YouTube Stops Channels Using Profanity Or Covering Controversies From Earning Money 

Popular YouTuber Phillip DeFranco has reported YouTube stripping the monetization of his videos featuring topics YouTube finds upsetting or features profanity. 

As the 4.5 million subcribed Youtubers said on twitter:

“Seems like @Youtube will be stripping most of my advertising from now on. Oh well. I’m not going to censor myself. Don’t worry though. I built the show and secondary $$$ sources for this exact reason. You never know when your platform will turn on you.”

Phillip went on to announce that 12 of his videos were flagged by this new policy. The videos in question all had to do with topics YouTube considered “controversial” and thus not advertiser friendly. This truly hurts DeFranco’s news based channel. He is not the only one as more Youtubers announce videos being flagged under these new terms.

This move by YouTube is likely being done to combat what some consider a growing problem of harassment and bullying on the platform. The accusations go so far as to claim entire channels have been built on starting “YouTube Drama” and fights with other channels.

The new terms in regards to profanity and unsavory topics on the YouTube Help Page:

Content that is considered “not advertiser-friendly” includes, but is not limited to:

• Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and sexual humor

• Violence, including display of serious injury and events related to violent extremism

• Inappropriate language, including harassment, profanity and vulgar language

• Promotion of drugs and regulated substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items

• Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown

With these new terms many popular and long running channels are under threat and creators are coming together to say YouTube is censoring them. But with Youtube being a creative platform owned by a company, it’s users are bound to it’s terms of service, no matter what misgivings they perceive.

Is There Inappropriate Cosplay For Children?

​Is there such a thing as inappropriate cosplay for children? While searching the internet for interesting pieces and topics to write about, I came across this picture of two children pulling off a very well done Suicide Squad Joker and Harley Quinn.

The picture remains without proper source cause we can’t find the original poster

Now before anyone thinks I am passing active judgment and down playing these two young fans (though the original post thread I found it on seemed to deem it was likely more the parents than the children who are the fans), I actual question is it appropriate for children to cosplay harsher or even more sexual characters. The Joker is a abusive manipulator who exploits Harley Quinn’s affection for him to beat and control his long suffering partner. In the movie the camera leaves lingering shots on Harley Quinn’s body while she poses and even dresses and undresses.

Now again I pass no judgment on what these children are doing. I just want to start a conversation on age appropriate cosplay and if that is a thing? If it is not should it be a topic/genre? Should parents use their children to express their personal interests? And if parents do, is that child being exploited?

Suicide Squad is a Pg-13 film but these children look younger than that. Does that matter?

I always thought babies dressed as Pokémon and iconic Anime characters were cute but is this something different or is it exactly the same?

Leave a comment and/or share on facebook (or your chosen social media platform) to keep the conversation going and ask your friends what they think.

Second Pokémon Go Road Death Occurs In Japan; Officials Highly Concerned 

With it being a relatively short time since Japan’s first Pokémon Go related death, a second one has occured.

The memorial at the scene of the first Pokémon Go death

A woman riding her bicycle was struck by a driver who says he was distracted by attempting to charge his phone battery, as it was being drained by playing Pokémon Go. She was left in a crictical condition in the hospital, dying a few days later because of her injuries.

Japanese officials have voiced concerns in regards to the rising number of accidents related to Pokémon go. The country has recorded 79 motor vehicle and bicycle accidents related to the game since it’s release.
It is being said that Niantic Inc (the game’s developer) have done nothing to really stop that number from increasing despite the game now having players confirm via text prompt if they are driving or not.


Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascots Revealed

With the countdown started for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan’s Olympic planners have already revealed the big news that many of anime and gamings iconic figures will be serving as mascots.

On the Official Olympic merchandising site, fans can get gear covered with recognizable characters as well as info on characters they might not know.

All of this comes after the Japan’s Prime Minister made a appearance as Super Mario at the end of the Rio Olympic games.

-gif made with footage from NBC

Japanese Driver Playing Pokémon Go Kills Pedestrian 

A Japanese truck driver playing Pokémon Go while behind the wheel has struck two women, injuring one and killing the other in Tokushima Prefecture. It marks the second death so far reported in connection to the popular game. 

The driver gave a statement that he had been “distracted” by the game while driving and was arrested by the local police, no decision yet if they are going to proceed with a prosecution.

Nintendo has offered condolences for the family of the victims and a spokesperson from game co developer Niantic Inc, has stated that the game has a feature to detect if speeding is occurring and asks players to confirm they are not driving.

Pokemon Company and Niantic endeavor to create an environment where people can play the game safely and we will continue to do that…

Nintendo and authorities have made it clear that they wish for players to play the game calmly and appropriately but this follows footage of a stampede in Taiwan when a rare Pokémon was spotted and in July when reports were coming out of Guatemala that a young man was shot and killed.

It is unclear if additional safety measures will be added to the game.

Etsy Hunt – Hogwarts School Trunk Set

It’s August so the back to school shopping season has begun, even for the magical students venturing to Hogwarts for their magical education. But they can stock up with Ink Of The Soul‘s Hogwarts school set.

Featuring the tools each student of Hogwarts will need, it includes:

  • A Wand 
  • Your Intials on the Side of the Trunk
  • Your Chosen Patronus Hand Painted on the Inside
  • Bronze House Ring (Your Choice of House) or Potion Necklace
  • Hogwarts Express train ticket
  • A copy of “Standard Book of Spells – Grade 1”, Hollow so you can hide your secrets
  • Trinket Box
  • Polyjuice potion
  • A “Lumos” wooden wick candle
  • First Spell Card
  • Floo Powder
  • Felix Felicia
  • 2 Glass Keys
  • 2 Bronze Keys

All contained inside of a beautiful Trunk and with the added fun of allowing you to customize your set! This highly detailed and well put together trunk is a fun buy and can either serve as a great gift for the Harry Potter fans in your life or a nice piece of decor for your Hogwarts dorm room.

Ink of the Soul makes each chest to order and because of that the set has periods of unavailability, BUT KEEP ON IT! This might be the NT office favorite for the creations we have ever featured in this segment.

For those who just can’t wait, the store offers all matter of Harry Potter items for you to love. Including the ability to have your Pottermore wand recreated for real life display!

Harry Potter Wand Replicas

Corked Potion Bottles Necklaces 

So journey over to Ink of The Soul’s store and see the amazing recreations of the Harry Potter world.

We will see you the next time we Etsy Hunt!

No Man’s Sky Fans DDoS Attack Sites With Negative Reviews 

​Unhappy gamers have been attacking sites giving recent release; No Man’s Sky, bad reviews with ddos (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. The most notable target has been reviewer and opinionist Jim Sterling. He gave the game a 5/10 on his review site. It was ddos attacked for this and the site was shutdown by its host to prevent further damages. Sterling’s feelings about the game isn’t exclusive as the internet reviews available have been split. Some have noted it as a boring formulaic procedurally generated game while others praise it’s scope and wonder. There have been reddit reports of other sites being targeted but no concrete evidence.

A ddos attack from this fan base though isn’t that bizzare as when news of its delay was made public both the game’s creators and the news outlet that first reported, received death threats.

It shouldn’t become common practice for harassment when something doesn’t meet your expectations but it can be said that it’s becoming a regular thing.

This All Black K-Pop Girl Group Is Making Important First Steps In Korean Music

​Korean pop is a tough field to break in to but two African American girls have made more than a land fall. 

They are changing an industry.

Jenna and Jenny began the all black music group Coco Avenue which started off as a YouTube channel that performed covers and hip hop songs. Covering Korean Pop songs, they became popular amongst fans of Asian music covers.

Through hard work they found themselves as the first Black American Korean girl band after releasing their first all Korean single (despite neither natively speaking Korean). They achieved success at a time when Korea has had a boom in its black population and thats an important thing.

South Korea has a difficult history when it comes to Black people both visiting and immigrating. From segregated buinsesses, to a invisible generation of children who come from mixed Korean and immigrant families. And the examples get worse.

But this duo and their group have appeared and performed on television shows and radios shows. They are providing visabilty and important messages of being who you are and expressing yourself through their vlogs. No matter who you are or where you are from, they are showing just how important visabilty is.

Coco Avenue is an amazing group so check out their YouTube and become a fan!

Parappa The Rapper Coming To The World Of Anime

​PlayStation character icon; PaRappa the Rapper, is going to appear alongside his onion headed martial arts teacher in a Japanese anime staring another one of his wacky friends later this month.

Despite only releasing two games in his own series and appearing as a guest and Easter eggs in many others, the rhyme dropping dog has stayed a fan favorite.

While PaRappa will not be the main focus of the show called PJ Berri’s Mogu Mogu Munya Munya, he is set to make regular appearances as well as take place in the mad world he shares with other rhythm game animal, Um Jammer Lammy. And with each episode to clock in around 90 seconds, it will be a mad cap release of that usual beloved Parappa humor.

It will be 15 years this August since the last Parappa game and the fans love for the series has yet to fade.