Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascots Revealed

With the countdown started for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan’s Olympic planners have already revealed the big news that many of anime and gamings iconic figures will be serving as mascots.

On the Official Olympic merchandising site, fans can get gear covered with recognizable characters as well as info on characters they might not know.

All of this comes after the Japan’s Prime Minister made a appearance as Super Mario at the end of the Rio Olympic games.

-gif made with footage from NBC

New Dragon Ball Fusions Trailer Shows Interesting Character Combinations 

Anime franchise Dragon Ball has released its latest game and accompying it a final Japanese game trailer showing some fun character fusions.

Dragon Ball Fusions has around 900 characters which is the highest roster of any of the franchises game. Released for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan, there is still no confirmation on a world wide release.

A description of Saiyan forms, and why Super Saiyan 4 isn’t so “Super”


To start off, we’re not here to debate canon’s. We will never have an agreement, but there’s a discussion I’ve actually never seen before, and that is whether or not Super Saiyan 4 is truly the next.

Let’s look at the first three stages of Super Saiyan first.

  • Level 1 is first achieved once a Saiyan succumbs to high amounts of rage and desperation. Hair stands up, turns gold, and eyes turn a greenish blue.
  • Level 2 hair gets even stiffer, muscle mass expands slightly, and sparks emanate around the body.
  • Level 3 Here’s where things really switch up. Hair grows extremely, eye brows take a more primitive form, as well as dropping the hair, and they finally have pupils. Pupils!

All these forms just expand on the original golden haired form, so naturally you’d think level 4 would expand even further upon it, right? Nope. Back to black hair, yellow eyes, red mascara, and red fur. Plus the eyebrows came back. So literally nothing from any of the previous forms have transferred over. Unless you wanna count the addition of pupils that is.

Come on. That doesn’t even look like it’s from the same series!  

So can this form really be considered a Super Saiyan? The conditions alone for achieving said form sets it so far apart from the others. After regrowing his tail, Goku inevitably finds himself staring at the moon, triggering the classic ape transformation, however it’s fur is golden, likely due to the fact that he’s achieved at least one level of the super Saiyan form. Super Saiyan Ape? However, like classic Ape Goku, he has absolutely no control over himself,going on a Hulk-like rampage, causing a whole bunch of destruction. It’s only after being calmed by the sight of granddaughter, Pan, in tears, does he manage to calm himself down. Instead of reverting back to his kid form though, he acquires this whole new form, which is soon dubbed Super Saiyan 4. Then Vegeta later achieves the same form, requiring the use of a machine, having not even achieved level 3, nor does he regrow his tail outside of the form.

No extra training necessary, requires external conditions to achieve, and looks absolutely nothing like any of the previous forms. So can this really be the next level of super Saiyan? Or is it just a whole nother Saiyan mutation that deserves its own category. This wouldn’t be the first time after all, the Ape from is considered its own thing. There was also the Psuedo Super Saiyan, where Goku got a temporary power boost back in the Lord Slug movie. Then there was the slow muscle bound form Vegeta and Trunks used in their bouts against Cell. Again, we’re not here to argue canon, Toriyama worked on the movie as well. Technically Super Saiyan God is in its own category as well, since it actually requires the user to tap into a completely different kind of ki.

So what say you guys? Was level 4 always meant to be the next step, or should it fall into its own category?

Things Got Strange – The Unspoken Street Fighter Movie

There have been too many attempts to cash in on the Street Fighter games to count. From card games, to anime, to incredibly boring live action movies that have barely anything happening in it that relates to the source material.

Now, despite all the infamy of those, let’s talk about the one movie nobody knows about. It has time travel, a Super Mario level, Guile singing, and even Goku from Dragon Ball Z joining in to help defeat M.Bison.


That’s right: we are talking about Future Cops!

The year is 1993 and Hong Kong born writer and director, Wong Jing, wants to make a Street Fighter movie. Capcom naturally has no interest in releasing a movie under a director that’s not internationally known, especially since the official movie is due to be released only next year.

This was pretty strange too.

Instead of giving up he just made a movie anyway. That movie was Future Cops.


Changing a few of the names but none of  the looks, the movie starts off in the somewhat distant future. A criminal boss has been arrested and has sent his evil minions into the past to kill the judge prosecuting him while the judge is still a whiny teenager.


Leaving series favorite Ryu behind, Guile, Dhalsim and Vega journey back in time, befriending the judge’s younger self. They hang around him at school with, of course, the wacky jokes being set up that they help this loser become the future judge he ends up being. This of course includes a date in a Super Mario arcade machine, Guile having a musical number and a foot race won only cause Dhalsim’s yoga flame burns the young judge in the butt.

The film rewards the viewers with the appearance of Bison and the added help of Chun Li, another Chun Li (the mother of the first Chun Li for some reason…) and Blanka who transforms into a giant exercise ball.

Oh and the judge reaches his full potential, as expected, and changes into Goku because why not?

This scene even includes a poorly copied version of the original Dragon Ball Z opening

The film ends with the team running a bomb through M.Bison’s chest and blowing him up.

With the film adding on a teaser for a next film never made, one of the characters warns that the Super Saiyans are due to attack the Earth soon.

Was it weird? Yes. Is it good? Yes? It is hard to not end up laughing as this film can’t decide what it wants to be and rips so much from the things that were popular in the early 90’s Hong Kong gamer culture.

Had to show this pic one more time sorry…

I say if you can find a service streaming it and some friends to watch it with, you sit down and enjoy just how strange it got.