Eevee is coming to Build-A-Bear

Pokémon fan site Pokéshopper has revealed that U.S. Build-A-Bear locations will be receiving a Eevee plushie this September.

Already available in UK locations, it is through leaked images that it was revealed that what was a online exclusive will be available in stores soon! With a Pikachu hoodie and Eeveelution jacket available for the Eevee as an accessory.

With it’s place holder release date of September 1, be sure to line up as limited edition merchandise sells out quickly at Build-A-Bear. 

Second Pokémon Go Road Death Occurs In Japan; Officials Highly Concerned 

With it being a relatively short time since Japan’s first Pokémon Go related death, a second one has occured.

The memorial at the scene of the first Pokémon Go death

A woman riding her bicycle was struck by a driver who says he was distracted by attempting to charge his phone battery, as it was being drained by playing Pokémon Go. She was left in a crictical condition in the hospital, dying a few days later because of her injuries.

Japanese officials have voiced concerns in regards to the rising number of accidents related to Pokémon go. The country has recorded 79 motor vehicle and bicycle accidents related to the game since it’s release.
It is being said that Niantic Inc (the game’s developer) have done nothing to really stop that number from increasing despite the game now having players confirm via text prompt if they are driving or not.


Japanese Driver Playing Pokémon Go Kills Pedestrian 

A Japanese truck driver playing Pokémon Go while behind the wheel has struck two women, injuring one and killing the other in Tokushima Prefecture. It marks the second death so far reported in connection to the popular game. 

The driver gave a statement that he had been “distracted” by the game while driving and was arrested by the local police, no decision yet if they are going to proceed with a prosecution.

Nintendo has offered condolences for the family of the victims and a spokesperson from game co developer Niantic Inc, has stated that the game has a feature to detect if speeding is occurring and asks players to confirm they are not driving.

Pokemon Company and Niantic endeavor to create an environment where people can play the game safely and we will continue to do that…

Nintendo and authorities have made it clear that they wish for players to play the game calmly and appropriately but this follows footage of a stampede in Taiwan when a rare Pokémon was spotted and in July when reports were coming out of Guatemala that a young man was shot and killed.

It is unclear if additional safety measures will be added to the game.

RPG Maker Coming To The 3DS

Famitsu has revealed that game creation tool, RPG Maker, is going to grace the dual screens of the Nintendo 3DS as soon as later this year.

Famistu announced and showed screens of RPG Maker Festival, which as Famistu reported is around 85% done and has a Japanese release due later this year. No information yet on if a western release is on the horizon but Famitsu promises more information down the line.
RPG Maker has graced both consoles, Pc screens, and hand helds for around 30 years and gave birth to fan favorite games like Yume Nikki and Corpse Party.


Pokémon Go Loses 12 Million Players

After a impressive rise to world popularity, Bloomberg reports a drop from phone game Pokémon Go’s peak number of 45 million players to a estimated 33 million. That number comes alongside reports that the players who are a still playing, spend less time engaged with the game each day.

Game developer Niantec promises big things coming up in the game’s newest update, but the question is will that bring players back? Especially given the lack of some of the original features promised in the game’s original trailer. Those features include Pokémon trading and battling between players.

While rumors run rampant of next generation Pokèmon arriving or legendary pokèmon being introduced to the game, will this bring players back or will more continue to depart?

Ash Loses The Kalos League 

The trainer always trying to be his very best, Ash Ketchum, has lost another league championship in the latest season of Pokémon.

Placing the highest he has ever placed… Second. He lost against this season’s rival; Alain, in a momentous match. This comes ahead of the release of Sun & Moon and a new region.
Ash’s league rankings:

Here’s hoping he does better in the Alola region.

Woman Claims Pokemon Go Sexually Assaulted Her

Russian news site has reported that a Russian woman has been raped by a Pokémon via the game Pokémon go

The woman’s account of the night is that she played Pokémon go for several hours before finally laying down and going to bed. She then says she felt weight fall on her slightly and as though someone was “committing a act of personal violence upon her”. When she opened her eyes she saw the Pokemon before it vanished. She retrieved her phone and discovered using the Pokémon go app the Pokémon in question to be in the same room as her.

The police have dismissed her claims and she has reportedly seeked psychic help following lack of police support. No word on what Pokémon it was yet.

This is just the latest in alarming news regarding Pokémon Go’s reception in Russia. 

New Digimon Game Announced To Accompany New TV Series

Digimon has made a strong return recently with its anniversary series but this year Digimon Trainers should get ready!

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters for the Nintendo 3DS will be a tie in with an anime of the same name. The anime will be the eighth digimon series and will be released in October of 2016. The game, which will have trading card game elements entwined, has no solid release date other than October and no confirmation of a world wide release yet.

But we can’t wait to “start up“!